Our Story, Our Purpose!

Our goal was to augment all of Zimbali 'happenings' into a single portal to allow residents, guests and visitors to have access to Everything Zimbali. Hence Zimbali Concierge was borne as a portal for the digitization of all Zimbali activities, offerings and services

The story continues were a Zimbali board member questioned our offering!, '...they continue unabated... what is their value proposition, how are they making money...' This statement made us think deeper...

*Business is not just Transactional. It's about engagement, its a journey. It's about changing, enhancing and enabling the society and stakeholders our business touches. Its true human engagement making a difference.*

Example, In the 2022 KZN Floods we played an instrumental conduit in providing live, regular updates to all stakeholders on our resorts emergency status. It's just a service we provide to benefit Zimbali!

uBukwa, developed Zimbali Concierge and we continue to sponsor and host it. We are driven by a purpose and a brand, #hospitality! Being a Level1 B-BBEE SME business, while interacting with players who have been in the Zimbali 'space' many years prior, we took on the bold initiative to make a difference and and improve the hospitality sector by digitizing all Zimbali activities, offerings and services. This portal now serves the greater Zimbali Community and its  respective stakeholders.

* Words inspired by Adrian Gore's 2022 Discovery Health Sales Conference.